Back pain after skating? Moves to make your lower back happy

How does your lower back feel right now?
How does it feel after a skate?

So many skaters feel some kind of discomfort or ache in the lower back and it can become an issue if ignored and not explored.

I’ve had a huge number of interactions with skaters over the last week in response to the first 2 “Yoga for Skaters” videos. I think these next 2 in the series are perhaps even more essential as they deal with Hips & Glutes and Lower back. Both are of course related to each other in proximity so both these videos will help ease any pain and also build back strength to allow improved support.

Video 4: Lower back

Don’t miss our Black Friday Weekend SALE on ALL online trainings. The winter is the perfect time to study an online course and you’ll have LIFETIME access to the content which will keep you busy for many weeks. PLUS if you’ve enjoyed these Yoga for Skaters videos, check out the FREE GIVEAWAY we’ll be offering with every discounted purchase on the site.
Give your lower back some love and feel where you could gain some more strength.