Skatefresh has provided Skate Training and Consulting Services for small to large scale productions, including Disney’s ‘Soy Luna’ (2016-present) and the BBC’s ‘Skate Nation’ (2009).
Asha has been featured in numerous articles about the fitness aspect of skates and promoting inline skates as a mode of transport, making Skatefresh a household name for anyone with a pair of skates.
Whatever your skating needs on camera, Skatefresh can connect you and provide you with the talent you need as we know everyone in the London and UK skate scene already.
Asha is also able to skate and shoot while holding a camera and has been able to create truly unique shots (for example circling a singer who is walking in a straight line). No studio equipment or dolly could ever recreate these types of shots and they are perfect for music videos and other creative projects.
Skatefresh in the Press, TV & Music Videos
Get Active – Day 3. Advert
Russell Grant’s Sporting Moments
Asha testing out wizard skate moves on the NN Ninja 4×90 frames; gazelles, three-turns, pivots, FUN
Past Projects
2015 Disney – Head of Coaching on “Soy Luna”.
2012 Actresses learned to skate with Skatefresh.
2011 BBC ‘The Dare’ Pilot, Coach and mentor. Oct 2011.
2010 BBC’s ‘Sadie J’ show. Taught actress playing Sadie to skate.
2009 BBC ‘Skate Nation’ TV series, Judge and Coach. 18/07/09 – 26/09/09
2008 Get Active – Day 3. Ted Productions (Internet TV show)
2008 GMTV, ‘What to do with the kids in the holidays’ Presented by Peter Andre. 13/08/08.
2008 BBC London Radio. Interview on Saturday Breakfast Show. 9th Feb 2008.
2007 ‘Gorgeous DVD for Girls’ Lace Productions, Brighton.
2007 CBBC Mates Challenge. Talent TV Productions, London.
2006 ITV Wales, Fit for a change. Part 4 Inline skate fitness challenge.
2005 Channel 5 kids TV. Milkshake Productions, London.
2003 CBBC’s ‘Tips and Tricks’.
2003 ITV’s ‘Russell Grant’s Sporting moments’
2002 London Capital Radio ‘Street skating season launch’.