Wings & Wheels Skateblog 1: San Jose

Pt 2 in a series of posts by our instructor (and airline pilot), Sabine

February 2023
San Jose, California
Flight time 10h 23
Time difference 8h

Waking up in my lovely room in San Jose, the local time is 4am. One glance at the clock tells me to go back to sleep, no jet lag allowed if the skating doesn’t start till 7pm!

The Aloha Rink in Eastridge has got quite a following. It attracts a varied group of skaters of all abilities,  and offers public sessions as well as dance classes. The highlight of the week is the Rhythm skate night on a Thursday and I absolutely have to be there!

The second time I wake up it’s 7am. Time to grab a quick breakfast in the lounge, before going out to the mall with the girls, always a good way to pass the morning.

The mall is brand new and has an excellent selection of cafes and shops. We don’t get back until 2pm. Five hours to the skating and my British body clock is making itself felt. It’s 10pm in the UK, just when I would normally consider bed. A snooze by the pool is in order, before the Uber picks me up at 6.30.

Waiting for my Uber, skates in hand, and getting super excited now. Half an hour later I’m at the rink. Some fantastic music greets me – the perfect skate rhythm. I can see why they are calling it ‘rhythm skate’. Everyone is throwing dance moves. The moves I know from the UK, but over in the US they do all this whilst skating along. I love it! I absolutely love it. I was going to stay for a couple of hours, but over 3h later I’m still there… (!)

I must be sensible. By now it’s 7am in the UK, and I’m still dancing … Time to get another Uber and get back to the hotel. Tomorrow lunchtime I’ll be back for more.

What a brilliant trip! What I love about skate communities is the friendliness and the sense of belonging. The local guys tell me that there is a great scene in Santa Cruz, both dance and roller blading on the board walk. Definitely something to explore next time!