Welcome to your All Visual Quads course!
Congratulations for choosing to develop your skating using a professional method that’s been used by a tribe of quad skaters worldwide.
I’m excited for you as I’m sure this course will open up a whole new world of ‘conscious practice’, which will make your skating even more fun and engaging.
All the content in this course is video based with just visuals and no audio. You want to become very familiar with the exercises shown in the videos, their names and the details mentioned on how to practice.
I suggest you view these videos off skates first and then later on skates to remind you of exactly what and how to practice.
Whatever kind of quad skating you are doing (recreation, fitness, Roller Derby or purely for fun), becoming more aware of your movements will help you consciously gain control and stability on your wheels, even as you move on to more complex skills. And that will make things feel amazing!
Now you can Download and read the “How to Use this Course” document from the Materials tab above and then start watching the videos.